Strange Characters in Word

  • Thread starter Thread starter MJade
  • Start date Start date


When I type common place symbols into word (Office 2007) i'm getting REALLY
weird results. A foreward slash / becomes é, an apostrophe (') becomes `` ,
square brackets are ¸^ and so on for almost all symbol keys.
I can't find a way to fix it. I've looked on Help, and in other message
boards for people with similar problems and haven't been able to find
anything. Autocorrect isn't doing it, my language setting is the same as
always English (Canada).
Does anyone have any ideas? I'm getting REALLY frustrated.

You probably have an international keyboard layout selected in Windows.
See "How To Use the United
States-International Keyboard Layout in Windows XP", except that you
want to select the standard U.S. keyboard instead of the
U.S.-International keyboard.
The problem only occurs in word, not in any of the other office programs or
Firefox or anything. I checked the keyboard layout anyway and it's not a
Okay, then in Word 2007 open a document that has this problem, press
Ctrl+A to select all of the text, and click on Review tab | Proofing:
Set Language | Mark selected text as: English (U.S.) | uncheck the
"Detect language automatically" and "Do not check spelling or grammar"
boxes | Default | OK.
Thanks for the help. When I changed it from English (Canada) to English (US)
the problem was fixed, so i tried to changing it back to Canadian English
(the spelling I use) and it's still OK. Any idea what happened so I can avoid
it again?
Thanks so much again, not having a forward slash was getting real annoying
