This is on a PII Gateway2000 w/WIn2k. It boots ok to the
point where it's just about to ask for user/pw when very quicky
an error message of some kind flashes at the top of the
screen and the pc reboots, and does it again and again almost
like a loop it keeps rebooting itself. I can't read the error
meaasge and I can't pause, it does this error message way
past the bios screen deep into win2k's boot. Any ideas?
Sound like an infection?
Lee G.
point where it's just about to ask for user/pw when very quicky
an error message of some kind flashes at the top of the
screen and the pc reboots, and does it again and again almost
like a loop it keeps rebooting itself. I can't read the error
meaasge and I can't pause, it does this error message way
past the bios screen deep into win2k's boot. Any ideas?
Sound like an infection?
Lee G.