Greg Lovern
We have a long series of macros that create certain workbooks which
also have macros. If a user opens those created workbooks with macros
disabled, and if Application.EnableEvents also happens to be turned
off for that user, then the worksheet area does not display.
They can see the workbook name in Excel's title bar, and they can see
the workbook listed in Switch Windows, and they can see the tabs and
tab names. They just can't see any of the cells. If another workbook
was open, they still see that workbook's cells.
If they just click on any of the tabs, then the worksheet area
appears, and all is well. If they save the workbook (even without
making any changes), then it works normally after that.
Any ideas about why that might be happening?
also have macros. If a user opens those created workbooks with macros
disabled, and if Application.EnableEvents also happens to be turned
off for that user, then the worksheet area does not display.
They can see the workbook name in Excel's title bar, and they can see
the workbook listed in Switch Windows, and they can see the tabs and
tab names. They just can't see any of the cells. If another workbook
was open, they still see that workbook's cells.
If they just click on any of the tabs, then the worksheet area
appears, and all is well. If they save the workbook (even without
making any changes), then it works normally after that.
Any ideas about why that might be happening?