I think you are talking about DBNull.Value ?
Very possibly - afraid that I'm using ado.net as a tool to deal with a
specific project and am far from an expert! I'm having to understand
each issue as it arises.
Where exactly is your problem - in database or at program level?
Hmm, well both really. Parameter values originate in a separate
external program and are placed in a dataset before using this to
update the main (currently Access) database. Similarly for data
retrieval from the database, the data moves into a dataset and thence
into a charting WinForm.
For passing data into the database I need to be able to set missing
values in the update dataset and similarly to interpret such values
when they're retrieved. Are you implying that I can set a value to
VBNull.value in the dataset without causing an error in a column eg
otherwise of variable type short? And that this would be accepted by
the database and also retrieved into the retrieval dataset intact?
That would be quite a help if I've understood correctly.
I would be left with one further problem. Any missing values in the
retrieved dataset would need to be converted to a value recognised as
missing by the charting Winform. Since this is a third-party control
it uses its own convention for missing values. I guess there's no
global method for converting vbnull.value to some other value (eg -999
or whatever) in the retrieved dataset other than iterating through
every single value and testing for vbnull.value?