Cesar Zapata
I'm more an excel guy but trying into Access and filemaker... so far
Access looks better. here goes my question.
I have a textbox called lets say txtpoints & txtcalc
so far the expression\formula is kind like this
IIf([points]>1,[points],IIf([points]>=0.01 And [points]<=0.25,-2,100))
the values of the results my change overtime ... How can I store them so
the I can put it in a form so the user can change the value if needed
later on.
I'm more an excel guy but trying into Access and filemaker... so far
Access looks better. here goes my question.
I have a textbox called lets say txtpoints & txtcalc
so far the expression\formula is kind like this
IIf([points]>1,[points],IIf([points]>=0.01 And [points]<=0.25,-2,100))
the values of the results my change overtime ... How can I store them so
the I can put it in a form so the user can change the value if needed
later on.