I have a situation , where in I had to store a bit of information about a
treenode in Tag .....
like this
"<shorcut key="M1" startpos="33" >System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("");
ideally i should be creating an xmlelement add attributes and store the
xmlelement in Tag...
but am not able to do this
i tried
XmlElement xle = new XmlElement();
but got this exception
'System.Xml.XmlElement.XmlElement()' is inaccessible due to its protection
level ...
How do i declare an xmlelement and add attributes to it and then add to Tag
Property ..
treenode in Tag .....
like this
"<shorcut key="M1" startpos="33" >System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("");
ideally i should be creating an xmlelement add attributes and store the
xmlelement in Tag...
but am not able to do this
i tried
XmlElement xle = new XmlElement();
but got this exception
'System.Xml.XmlElement.XmlElement()' is inaccessible due to its protection
level ...
How do i declare an xmlelement and add attributes to it and then add to Tag
Property ..