Thanks in advance, I know I've seen this somewhere but I
can't find it anywhere.
Store the value of a Calculated field from the form like
QTY*COST appear fine as Total, what's the syntax to get
the "value" to populate a field in the table while the
user still has the form open, so they can see the
calculation, and the table get's populated.
I also understand that storing calculations is not good
practice, this is just an off the issue, that I need to
I know if I use the event afterupdate or mousemove after
the record has saved it and put something like:
Total = Me![QTY]*[COST]
works fine, after the fact, but how do store it, while
your in the "dataentry" or new record phase.
Thanks again,
Thanks in advance, I know I've seen this somewhere but I
can't find it anywhere.
Store the value of a Calculated field from the form like
QTY*COST appear fine as Total, what's the syntax to get
the "value" to populate a field in the table while the
user still has the form open, so they can see the
calculation, and the table get's populated.
I also understand that storing calculations is not good
practice, this is just an off the issue, that I need to
I know if I use the event afterupdate or mousemove after
the record has saved it and put something like:
Total = Me![QTY]*[COST]
works fine, after the fact, but how do store it, while
your in the "dataentry" or new record phase.
Thanks again,