I have a simple SQL Server 2000 stored procedure as follows
ALTER PROCEDURE pos_GetTransactionProduct
@authID in
SELECT POSTransactionProducts.prodID, POSTransactionProducts.amoun
FROM dbo.POSTransactionProduct
WHERE POSTransactionProducts.authID = @authI
ORDER BY POSTransactionProducts.prodI
I run it in SQL Analyzer OK. It runs in the debugger OK. How ever when I run it in a C# Web service method from a SqlCommand Execute call it blows up with a messge there is a format error near "pos_GetTransactionProducts". I wrote another procedure with the same logic and a different name and got the same result. Why can I run hte proc in SQL Analyzer and even execute it from VS.NET 2003, but can't get it to execute in the application
ALTER PROCEDURE pos_GetTransactionProduct
@authID in
SELECT POSTransactionProducts.prodID, POSTransactionProducts.amoun
FROM dbo.POSTransactionProduct
WHERE POSTransactionProducts.authID = @authI
ORDER BY POSTransactionProducts.prodI
I run it in SQL Analyzer OK. It runs in the debugger OK. How ever when I run it in a C# Web service method from a SqlCommand Execute call it blows up with a messge there is a format error near "pos_GetTransactionProducts". I wrote another procedure with the same logic and a different name and got the same result. Why can I run hte proc in SQL Analyzer and even execute it from VS.NET 2003, but can't get it to execute in the application