Junior Jones
Spammers are in it for the money. So they send spam. The thing is....for
anyone to profit from the spam there has to be somewhere to go to spend the
money. Either a website, email address, phone number, etc. Someone has to
collect some money. I'm not understanding why the spammer can't be caught.
To stay in business (to keep sending spam) there has to be some money made
by the spammer. Or he would quit doing it. And there has to be a transaction
by someone, somewhere. There's the arrest. There's the link. What's the
anyone to profit from the spam there has to be somewhere to go to spend the
money. Either a website, email address, phone number, etc. Someone has to
collect some money. I'm not understanding why the spammer can't be caught.
To stay in business (to keep sending spam) there has to be some money made
by the spammer. Or he would quit doing it. And there has to be a transaction
by someone, somewhere. There's the arrest. There's the link. What's the