Well Gang I am stopping crunching until 30th of September as I am going on holiday in glorious LAS VEGAS, I will resume when I get back. We fly out on the 14th so will close down tonight as I have got lots to do. Our flight is early in the morning from Gatwick, the excitement is rising in our household as I type this. We are staying in a Hotel called Bally's and this will probably be our last trip there until the good lady retires. I will think of you all whilst we are there (naah I wont) so all of you keep crunching and see you all on the 30th
Thanks for your good wishes. A ex pat friend of mine who normally meets there, they live in LA, unfortunately is not able to meet up with us this time which is a shame as he is not well but today I received a gift card for the Cheesecake Factory in Caesars Palace one of our favourite places so it will be putting on a few inches in the waste band on him.