Stopping Autorun/play from starting while using Nero



Lately when I burn a DVD with Nero, as soon as it is finalized but before
Nero is completely done with the burn, Windows will grab the disc and start
to play it as if it was just inserted in the drive. How do I get it to stop

Here's a more detailed explanation:

Nero will burn the disc and then pop up a window saying that the burn was
successful. I need to click on OK and then Nero ejects the dics. But before I
can click on OK some other program - depending on the type of burn - will
grab the disc and start to play it. Normally I don't want to do anything but
just burn the disc and then remove and set it aside.

What causes this? And how do I correct it?



You can set the drive not to eject when the burn is complete, it's in
properties setting somewhere in Nero.

See if that helps.

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