stoping duplicated customers



I use my database for a ordering system for order placed over my

Could any one recomend a way in which when i place an order i type in
either a name/ email address it will then tell me if i have any
customer on recoded with names the same, then i can place an order for
the person, if a customer does not have a account it will let me add
the new customer details
any recomendations the best way to do this would be good.

Jeff Boyce


Rather than have to type in the customer's name (and risk spelling and/or
typing errors), consider using a combobox control to list all current
customers. That way, you'd be looking up customers, and would use fewer

The same approach would work for your email addresses...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner

Joseph Meehan

Simon said:
I use my database for a ordering system for order placed over my

Could any one recomend a way in which when i place an order i type in
either a name/ email address it will then tell me if i have any
customer on recoded with names the same, then i can place an order for
the person, if a customer does not have a account it will let me add
the new customer details
any recomendations the best way to do this would be good.

I agree with Jeff and the combo-box idea may make non-exact matches less
of an issue. For example Jeff Smith or Jeff Smuth Of course some people
have two or more e-mail address or may be Joe or Joseph at different times,
so finding duplicates becomes as much an art as a science.


My data table contains well over 6000 "customers" - combo boxes didn't seem
pratical (can't edit on the fly) so I use a continous form that has first &
last name, address and other significant info in one line in the detail
section. I can display a reasonable set of names. My entry point is a
textbox in the form footer where I enter the beginning portion of the last
name ("smi" yields all entries GTE than "smi") and and the form shows the
names in that "area". I also have as textbox that accepts organizational
names and one that accepts street address. If I find the name I want, I
DblClk the row and go to a data entry form that is populated with the current
profle info and will accept new (or edited) information. If I need to add a
new name, I have a "NEW" command button that opens a new profile form.

Private Sub SelectLastName_AfterUpdate()
Dim str1 As String, str2 As String
str1 = SelectLastName
str2 = """" & str1 & """"
Me.filter = "[lastname] >= " + str2
Me.FilterOn = True
SelectLastName = ""
End Sub

Each field displayed (direct not calculated fields) in the continous form
can be edited and, in my case, 8 flags (ckboxes) that identify categories -
are also editable.

Just a different approach -

Jael - another Jeff

Jeff Boyce


You could modify the way the combo box operated to only start displaying
names after the first 2 (or 3, or 4, or ...) characters had been entered --
this would greatly reduce the total number seen.

However, using the autocomplete feature on the combobox would mean you could
simply start typing the name ... no need to drop the list down and start


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner

Jael said:
My data table contains well over 6000 "customers" - combo boxes didn't seem
pratical (can't edit on the fly) so I use a continous form that has first &
last name, address and other significant info in one line in the detail
section. I can display a reasonable set of names. My entry point is a
textbox in the form footer where I enter the beginning portion of the last
name ("smi" yields all entries GTE than "smi") and and the form shows the
names in that "area". I also have as textbox that accepts organizational
names and one that accepts street address. If I find the name I want, I
DblClk the row and go to a data entry form that is populated with the current
profle info and will accept new (or edited) information. If I need to add a
new name, I have a "NEW" command button that opens a new profile form.

Private Sub SelectLastName_AfterUpdate()
Dim str1 As String, str2 As String
str1 = SelectLastName
str2 = """" & str1 & """"
Me.filter = "[lastname] >= " + str2
Me.FilterOn = True
SelectLastName = ""
End Sub

Each field displayed (direct not calculated fields) in the continous form
can be edited and, in my case, 8 flags (ckboxes) that identify categories -
are also editable.

Just a different approach -

Jael - another Jeff

Joseph Meehan said:
I agree with Jeff and the combo-box idea may make non-exact matches less
of an issue. For example Jeff Smith or Jeff Smuth Of course some people
have two or more e-mail address or may be Joe or Joseph at different times,
so finding duplicates becomes as much an art as a science.

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