Please, please help me!
I have an Access 2002 database, with one
field "Emailaddresses" that I use on my Web site. I want
to use Word 2002 (I have Office 2002 Professional running
on Win XP Pro)to type an E-mail message, using the Merge
Wizard to merge the records from that database into the
email so it can be sent to those people (I do NOT use,
and do not WANT to use the Outlook Contacts feature)in
that database.
I am able to do eveything, and it works, BUT: When
the "Electronic Mail" merge is click--to initiate the
send email, I get a warning saying "An application is
attempting to send email, do you want to allow access to
it?" (Then it continues MS Outlook Visual Basic
Application Command Item.Send) I have given the choice to
check a box--to set the time to allow the access-- and
have the choice of Yes or No.
NOW, I wouldn't mind this appearing; HOWEVER, it appears
for EACH email record in the database, so I have to
select "Yes" over-and-over again--EVEN IF I have selected
the time option for permitting access to the Outlook
application from the Word Email document!! Crazy
I know that this involvees a Visual Basic event, dealing
with this procedure, and I in fact have taken the past
several hours investigating that by opening the Visual
Basic Macro window and reading up on this and its related
object library. BUT, after all of that I have only
a "dangerous amount" of knowledge to attempt any "fix"
for this on my own!!
Is that even the right track? What do I do????
Please, HELP!!
I have an Access 2002 database, with one
field "Emailaddresses" that I use on my Web site. I want
to use Word 2002 (I have Office 2002 Professional running
on Win XP Pro)to type an E-mail message, using the Merge
Wizard to merge the records from that database into the
email so it can be sent to those people (I do NOT use,
and do not WANT to use the Outlook Contacts feature)in
that database.
I am able to do eveything, and it works, BUT: When
the "Electronic Mail" merge is click--to initiate the
send email, I get a warning saying "An application is
attempting to send email, do you want to allow access to
it?" (Then it continues MS Outlook Visual Basic
Application Command Item.Send) I have given the choice to
check a box--to set the time to allow the access-- and
have the choice of Yes or No.
NOW, I wouldn't mind this appearing; HOWEVER, it appears
for EACH email record in the database, so I have to
select "Yes" over-and-over again--EVEN IF I have selected
the time option for permitting access to the Outlook
application from the Word Email document!! Crazy
I know that this involvees a Visual Basic event, dealing
with this procedure, and I in fact have taken the past
several hours investigating that by opening the Visual
Basic Macro window and reading up on this and its related
object library. BUT, after all of that I have only
a "dangerous amount" of knowledge to attempt any "fix"
for this on my own!!
Is that even the right track? What do I do????
Please, HELP!!