I have a person that is harrassing me by email. How can I stop her from doing this? I have XP.
Almost every email program has a way to add "rules" or "filters". Any
mail from that email address is deleted automatically.
The fact that you have XP is not relevant. What email software are
you using? This is a group about Microsoft Outlook. And since you
mention XP, I'm not sure that you're using Outlook.
Outlook is not the same software as MS Outlook Express, although they
have similar names and a few of the same features.
But depending on the other person, and whose email they are using, you
might be able to do more than just block it.
For instance, if they work for a company, then you could contact the
administrator of their system or their boss and advise them of the
Or, you could send a complaint to their Internet provider and complain
about harassment.
You might need to look at the headers to find more information. Other
than that, anything else you might need to know is not really on topic