Stop Message - Kernel_Data_Inpage_Error

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May 17, 2006
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Hello everyone,

My laptop gave up on me... I have a Sony Vaio with Windows Xp Home Edition. When I was using Outlook it suddenly gave me a blue screen saying:

Check and make sure hardware is propertly installed.. etc...
****Stop:0x0000007a (0xc03e13d4, 0xc000000e, 0xf84f5130, and more but my laptop went off so i didn´t get the time to write it down...

I tried to restart it. First the Vaio logo comes on but as soon as the Windows logo comes on the blue screens flashes and then it tries starting again with the Vaio logo. I even tried starting it in safe mode and tried checking disk for errors but nothing worked, again as soon as the logo from Windows appears, the blue window flashes and it starts again.

Nothing works...

Can anyone please help me...

Thank you, I appreciate it!
The most common reason for this error is that your Hard Drive is dying - are you getting any abnormal noises from the drive, such as noisy clicking?

However it could also be a RAM issue - to check this, download Memtest from another PC and make a bootable floppy, then check your RAM at boot-up - you could also try re-seating the RAM if you can easily access it.
mataharimata said:
Thank you for your help! No, it doesn´t have warranty...
Wanted to know if it was still under warranty as that would have saved you money, i would suggest you do as Ady has said and if you can get it to re-boot, see if you can try to get any data off it if possible.
If 'nothing works' then I'm sure you have a failed HD ... sorry. :(

Try booting from your XP CD and see if you can get ... CHKDSK /f /r ... to run, but I think it too late.

Thank you all for the help!

Well, I am not getting any abnormal noises from the drive, such as noisy clicking, however the fan is very loud as I have used the laptop to the maximum. Could you please tell me how to make a make a bootable floppy or how to re-seat the RAM, sorry I am a newbie in this...

By the way, yesterday I disabled automatic restart on system failure. Then a new blue screen appeared saying:

Disable BIOS memory options such as caching and shadowing...
Technical Information:
***STOP: 0x000000ED
(0x82E8C9E0, 0xC0000015, 0x00000000, 0x0000000)

But then the problem remained same, first the Vaio logo comes on but as soon as the Windows logo comes on the blue screens flashes and then it tries starting again with the Vaio logo.

Then I trie Safe mode again... nothing...

I also tried VGA mode and then Last Known Good Configuration... nothing...

Thank you
That error message is leading to the same problems ...

Boot with your Windows XP CD, and let it load its drivers and temporary environment and at the first screen of choices, press R to start the recovery console.

It'll ask you to choose a Windows installation (you'll type 1 if there's only one installed) and then to log on as Administrator.

The password should be blank by default under normal circumstances.

When you get logged on, type: chkdsk /r c:

This will take a while, as it will do a surface check in addition to repairing any filesystem errors.

If that refuses to work ... get a new HD.

not really, we know the outcome.

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