Stop macro with userform




I have a userform where you input data, then a macro runs through 1000
I have another userform that pops up after the main userform - this displays
what scenario the macro is on.

My question is: Is it possible to add a "Stop" switch to the userform that
will stop the macro? You can press ctrl-alt delete but I wanted a more
professional looking solution.

Thanks for your help

Jim Rech

I'd suggest that your stop message tells the user to press Esc to terminate
the process. Use Application.EnableCancelKey = xlErrorHandler (see Help) to
have an error handling macro take over from there.

| Hi,
| I have a userform where you input data, then a macro runs through 1000
| scenarios.
| I have another userform that pops up after the main userform - this
| what scenario the macro is on.
| My question is: Is it possible to add a "Stop" switch to the userform that
| will stop the macro? You can press ctrl-alt delete but I wanted a more
| professional looking solution.
| Thanks for your help

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