I run this module from a macro. It checks an input form for blank records.
The code works exactly how I want it to work, but I need to stop the macro at
the end of this code. How can I do it?
Function CheckField()
If IsNull(Forms![frmProjectNew]![Project]) Then
Forms![frmProjectNew]![Project].BackColor = 3937500
End If
If IsNull(Forms![frmProjectNew]!
The code works exactly how I want it to work, but I need to stop the macro at
the end of this code. How can I do it?
Function CheckField()
If IsNull(Forms![frmProjectNew]![Project]) Then
Forms![frmProjectNew]![Project].BackColor = 3937500
End If
If IsNull(Forms![frmProjectNew]!
) Then
.BackColor = 3937500
End If
MsgBox "The fields in red are required fields", _
vbOKOnly, "Required Field"
End Function
End If
MsgBox "The fields in red are required fields", _
vbOKOnly, "Required Field"
End Function