Stop light metaphor

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I have a tour planning system. Each tour has many reservations. Each
reservation has many tasks each with a due date. I'd like to add a stoplight
to each tour header to indicate the overall status of the reservation tasks
without requiring the user to drill down into each reservation to see the
Red = 1 or more tasks overdue
Yellow = 1 or more tasks are due in the future
Green = all tasks are complete
Can anyone point me to an example of how to implement a stop light metaphor?
I only need general concepts. I can do the heavy lifting after that.
Thanks, Bob 4

If there are some tasks overdue and some in the future...?

DCount("*", "tableName", "tourID=1010" ) could return the number of
tasks for tourID = 1010. Another DCount will tell you how many are

DCount("*", "tableName", "tourID=1010 AND Completed = true" )

as example. If both counts are equal, then green we have. Or you can test:

0 = DCount("*", "tableName", "tourID=1010 AND Completed = false" )

On the other hand:

DCount("*", "tableName", "tourID=1010 AND Completed = false AND DateDue <=
Now() " )

would count the not completed tasks, and with a dateDue in the past. If the
count is not 0, we have some red in sight.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP