Stop Knocking It

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul Moreland
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Paul Moreland

Lots of posts saying how bad it is, my own expieriences
do not mirror them.

So far I would say an excellent application (for a beta)
never had any problems installing or running. I have not
had any problems with spyware since I started running it.
So, well done Microsoft.

It seems that whatever Microsoft do they get slated for
it, if it's so bad stop using it, simple.
I agree with you, in spite of some beta issues, MSAS has been doing a very
good job for me.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the kind words.

When one considers that downloads of the beta are running near 20 million, I
think the number of posts in here is comparatively small. That's not to say
that some folks, for a myriad of reasons, aren't having difficulties of one
level or another.

Ron Chamberlin
"Do you know how many software programers it takes to change a lightbulb?

None. The lightbulbs in all the other offices are working fine so yours must
be working too."

Joking aside, do you think that all the people who have complained about
this product are involved in some sort of giant conspiracy to always
criticise Microsoft no matter what.

If so, please do a Google word search to see my postings in various other
groups and you will see it is not true, at least not for me.

Please try to understand that all configurations are somewhat different and
the fact that MAS works on yours does not by any means garantee that it will
work on others.


Dave Neve
Just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents worth.
I agree that it is a good application (running it on a W2kPro and (2) XPH machines).
I've had no problems with it performing the functions for which it was intended (and,
unlike many, considered the removal of Kazaa from my daughter's machine a feature vs.a
If I was to find any fault it would be that I'm disappointed that the support features
(definitions/auto updates etc) are such a mess. I would have expected much better
functionality from MS for what I consider to be basic maintenance items.
Any other applications I run (Spybot/AdAware/AVG etc.) do not have problems and the
Windows update feature works "flawlessly".
However, I don't profess to be an expert and suppose there are reasons for the problems.