Stop FP2002 From Changing Custom HTML

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How do I stop FP from changing the custom HTML that I add to a page? I read
somewhere that you can use the WebBot "HTMLMarkup" to do so, ie,

<!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan -->

custom html

<!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan -->

Is this true or just a myth? It doesn't seem to work for me.
True, however if the HTML is something that is created and managed by a function of FP, then you can
not stop FP from correcting it.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Please explain further ... I have created a page using FP; now I want to
insert some custom html. How? If I insert using FP (html tab) is that a
"manage function of FP"?
Not that is not a manage function of FP.

A managed function is FP navigation, form field validation, database, etc.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Thanks for the information ... but the WebBot "HTMLMarkup" doesn't seem to
work for me. If I create a page with FP and then insert my custom html with
HTMLMarkup startspan & endspan and then save all is well. However, if I
subsequently edit my page with FP the custom html is now changed by FP.
Ok, go to my site below and send me an email, then I will contact you with a email address to use.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
For those of you following this thread, I thought I'd try to explain how this
issue was resolved. First some background.

I was working on a webpage in a subweb that used a FP theme, shared borders,
and a css based drop-down menu. As I was adjusting fonts and colors FP began
to add and/or change the menu html without being told to do so. To stop FP
from making changes to my menu I decided to try to isolate my menu from FP
with the following:

<!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan -->

menu html

<!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan -->

However, FP continued to make changes to my page, like adding duplicate
<body> tags and multiple <html> tags, at one point deleting everything from
the <body> tag to the end of the page. After starting over from scratch
several times, and unable to figure out what FP was doing (or what I was
doing wrong) I concluded that the HTMLMarkup bot was not effective.

WRONG conclusion. It appears that HTMLMarkup is indeed effective in keeping
FP from changing the code that is contained within. The problem was that the
FP theme and shared borders somehow conflicted with my css causing FP to
add/change/delete the html that was not within the HTMLMarkup tags. Simply
telling FP to remove the theme and shared borders was not effective since FP
apparently does not remove everything it inserts when you specify these
characteristics. I had to start with a blank page, NO theme or shared
borders, and then design my page with the css driven menu. I am still using
HTMLMarkup to isolate my menu from FP; I don't know if I really need to do
this now but I am not taking any chances. I'll cross that bridge another time.

Thanks Tom for all your help.