titus12 said:
I have Avira AntiVir on my computer. How can I stop the flash screen from
showing when I boot my computer? I have XP Home SP3.
Thank you,
Okay, looks like we have to guess. Are you using their FREE version,
There are 2 "splash" screens in Avira's free Antivir product. One is
the load-time banner and the other is the adware popup during updates.
To remove the load-time splash screen:
- Run regedit.exe.
- Go to HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run.
- Find the entry that loads the Avira UI program.
- At the end of the command, add "/nosplash" (sans quotes).
To eliminate the update adware screen, do ONE of the following:
- Rename the avnotify.exe file in Avira's installtion folder. Rename to
something else, like avnotify.exx.
- Move avnotify.exe out of Avira's installation folder. Save it
- Create a software restriction policy that prevents it from loading:
o Run the policy editor (gpedit.msc).
o Go to the following node in the tree list:
Computer Configuration
Windows Settings
Security Settings
Software Restriction Policies
Additional Rules
o Create a new Path policy. Navigate to and select the avnotify.exe
file. Select to "Disallow" this executable. This has the OS refuse
to load this program.
I use a policy. It is possible that a program update would replace the
avnotify.exe. So renaming it or moving it won't help because a new one
shows up. The policy doesn't care and will still block that file in
that path from running.
This is from memory. I'm not using Avira right now.