Windows 2000 STOP: 0x0000001E (0xC0000006, 0xBFFBBBBE,
0x00000000, 0x485A5BBA)address BFFBBBBE base at BFFA2000
DateStamp 38441c2a- Setupdd.sys
Can anyone tell me what this means? I am trying to get a
Win 2000 Pro machine up and running that already had Win
2000 Pro on it. Was having problems with ntoskrnl.exe when
trying to load windows. I was told the stop error above
could mean the harddrive doesn't have enough room to try
and reinstall/repair windows. I am needing to find out if
this is true and if so how I can erase the hard drive and
restart the setup process. Recovery Console and the
Windows 2000 advanced menu options won't work on this
harddrive because of this file. I have tried the MS
Knowledge base and haven't had any luck. I have a Windows
2000 Pro setup disk set, an ERD disk, and a Windows 2000
Pro Boot disk. Please respond ASAP?
0x00000000, 0x485A5BBA)address BFFBBBBE base at BFFA2000
DateStamp 38441c2a- Setupdd.sys
Can anyone tell me what this means? I am trying to get a
Win 2000 Pro machine up and running that already had Win
2000 Pro on it. Was having problems with ntoskrnl.exe when
trying to load windows. I was told the stop error above
could mean the harddrive doesn't have enough room to try
and reinstall/repair windows. I am needing to find out if
this is true and if so how I can erase the hard drive and
restart the setup process. Recovery Console and the
Windows 2000 advanced menu options won't work on this
harddrive because of this file. I have tried the MS
Knowledge base and haven't had any luck. I have a Windows
2000 Pro setup disk set, an ERD disk, and a Windows 2000
Pro Boot disk. Please respond ASAP?