STOP error 0x67(0x7,0x4)
Win 2000 clients, fully up to date.
In one suite only we get the error. It happens on boot
up, just after the progress bar fills (the black and white
MS knowledge base has nothing of use, apparently this
error should never occur.
"Registry could not allocate the pool needed to contain
the reg files. This error should never occur, since it's
early enough in system initialisation that there is always
plenty of pool available".
Re-cloning the PC fixes the problem. However it happens
with such regularity that I am re-cloning almost daily.
Booting from last known good doesn't help.
Win 2000 clients, fully up to date.
In one suite only we get the error. It happens on boot
up, just after the progress bar fills (the black and white
MS knowledge base has nothing of use, apparently this
error should never occur.
"Registry could not allocate the pool needed to contain
the reg files. This error should never occur, since it's
early enough in system initialisation that there is always
plenty of pool available".
Re-cloning the PC fixes the problem. However it happens
with such regularity that I am re-cloning almost daily.
Booting from last known good doesn't help.