Stop Error: 0X0000000A



my p.c was originally bought with an on board SiS chipset graphic
controller. about a month ago i decided to purchase(by vendor) a new
one(GeForce FX-5200). the installation included an update of
DirectX9. the driver version is 52.16
since then, i experience the above Error(blue screen) from time to time.
the p.c was left at the vendor's lab for testing, and according to the
vendor the problem persists even with the old SiS controller, so
he suspects other software problems(virus,Xp...).
i can't prove him wrong, but i still doubt the results, and can't escape
from the feeling that there is a linkage between the new installation
and the appearance of the Error.
the Error type is IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, and the parameters-
STOP: 0x0000000A(0x000000FF,0x00000002,0x00000001,0x8053552B).
i found some stuff on Ms support site regarding this error, and it says
that the 4th parameter(0x8053552B) can lead to the _driver_name.
i don't know how, can someone help me?

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