Stop code B4: video driver failed to initialize

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sandeep Kasargod
  • Start date Start date

Sandeep Kasargod

I have a Win2k installation (PIII 450, ABit BE6
motherboard, AWARD bios v 4.51, HPT366 UltraDMA onboard

I previously had a RivaTNT2 video card in the AGP port and
everything was working fine for the last 2 years. Recently
I installed the new service pack for the MS blaster and
other fixes. The video card also failed at about the same
time. I bought a replacement card as close in specs to the
original as possible (TNT2 AGP) and tried booting up - no

Get the stop error code B4(0,0,0,,0x50000). This happens in
VGA and Safe modes also. I have tried the following:
1) Booting in safe mode
2) Booting in VGA mode
3) Trying different cards on AGP port
4) Repairing windows installation with setup disks
5) Disabling parallel port through BIOS (one MS issue had
this as the solution)
6) Going through recovery console and re-installing
vga.drv, vga.dll from the setup CD-ROM

None of these have worked, I still get BSOD'ed. The new
video card has drivers but there is no way I can install
them and it should at least in theory work in safe mode
without additional drivers.

Another unnamed OS which has been dual-booted on my machine
for the last 2 years has no problems in detecting the new
card and display works without a hitch.

My last resort is to try a video card in the PCI slot.
After that I seem to have run out of ideas, any suggestions ?

thanks a lot,