Windows XP Stop Checkdisk at startup!

Feb 25, 2007
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I run Widows XP at home using NTFS. Every time I start up and just after Windows logo appears and before Windows starts, I get a blue screen and CheckDisk (chdsk) tries to run. It gives me 10 secondes to press a key tocancel otherwise I have to shut down to get out of it, or wait ages for it to run it's course.. It is a real pain!

Any suggestions would be gratefully received.

Much obliged: gadget
Very briefly, it seems my may have corrupted system files

Unless you know how to use the recovery console or using scandisk in safemode I would just suggest backing up any files you need via another pc and reinstalling the O/S
Thanks for the info TriplexDread. Had a feeling it might come to that :-(
Keep kicking ass! Gadget