STOP c0000218, hive files not found...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Derek
  • Start date Start date


I have this lovely blue screen error message during boot
up, and can't get past it. Goes to memmory dump at that
point, and counts to 100. States that a registry file is
missing or corrupt. I have no emergency repair disk to
work with. Safe mode doesn't work. I have never used
REcovery Console, and am not that comfortable with it.
SCSI drive is "C" drive, but when started to load OS
again, saw "C" drive to setup on, and recognized another
OS was already loaded on that Partition, but warned that
loading another OS could cause problems with the first
one (even though I was just trying to load Win 2k Server
Synopsis: SCSI hardware seems to work if "C" can be seen,
and OS is recognized, must be registry file missing after
Question: what would happen if I reloaded Win 2k Server
on the same "C" drive. Would it screw it up, or just
replace missing files?