Stop a DataGrid from showing related tables



I have a Windows Forms DataGrid bound to a Table within a DataSet.

The Table is related to others within the DataSet.

The DataGrid allows the user to surf through related tables. I don't want
that behavior; I want the DataGrid to just show the one table. How is this

I tried using this...

DataGridTableStyle tableStyle = new DataGridTableStyle();
tableStyle.RowHeadersVisible = false;

....which gets rid of the [+] symbols on the left side of the DataGrid, but
the user can still surf to related tables using the Tab key on the keyboard.



Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]

Hello Patrick,

There's a property on the grid called AllowNavigation. Set this one to false
and you are done.


Ah! That worked. Thanks.

Dmitriy Lapshin said:
Hello Patrick,

There's a property on the grid called AllowNavigation. Set this one to false
and you are done.

Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]
X-Unity Test Studio
Bring the power of unit testing to VS .NET IDE

Patrick said:
I have a Windows Forms DataGrid bound to a Table within a DataSet.

The Table is related to others within the DataSet.

The DataGrid allows the user to surf through related tables. I don't want
that behavior; I want the DataGrid to just show the one table. How is this

I tried using this...

DataGridTableStyle tableStyle = new DataGridTableStyle();
tableStyle.RowHeadersVisible = false;

...which gets rid of the [+] symbols on the left side of the DataGrid, but
the user can still surf to related tables using the Tab key on the keyboard.



DotNetJunkies User

I want to do the same thing except I want the data binding off that is in my code when i do everything you have said minus this line/statement:

this.dg_list.SetDataBinding(this.ds_list, "user_list");

my datagrid shows up blank. I dont want it to be databound.
Now, if i remove this code, I have to set navigation back on to see the values in my one table "user_list".

User_list is a table being populated via a data-adapter via a stored procedure. I just need to do it this way....and there are no updates, deletes, or inserts being done...Any suggestions?

DotNetJunkies User

I want to do the same thing except I want the data binding off that is in my code when i do everything you have said minus this line/statement:

this.dg_list.SetDataBinding(this.ds_list, "user_list");

my datagrid shows up blank. I dont want it to be databound.
Now, if i remove this code, I have to set navigation back on to see the values in my one table "user_list".

User_list is a table being populated via a data-adapter via a stored procedure. I just need to do it this way....and there are no updates, deletes, or inserts being done...Any suggestions?

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