STOP 0x0000000a Error



According to MSFT KB, the 4th parameter in the STOP 0x0000000a error is the
address of the offending instruction. How do I find out what driver
executed this instr?

Here is the full message:
Error code 0000000a, parameter1 2a9c4c9e, parameter2 000000ff, parameter3
00000001, parameter4 80523047.


please CC esiriann at with replies

Keith P. Rutledge [MSFT]


based on the parameter that you gave us, I can tell you that the error
occured in the ntoskrnl. Therefore a service that is attempting to start
is most likely the cause.

I would boot into recovery console and start disabling third party

Best Regards,

Keith Rutledge, MCSE NT4/2000
Microsoft Online Support Engineer
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