Mitch -
Stock charts use the High-Low lines to show, well, the high and low
prices of a stock. You can only have one set of high-low lines per axis
group, which means at most two official stock chart series per chart
(primary and secondary axes). But you can get the high-low lines all on
the primary axis using custom error bars instead.
Set up your data columns like this:
Date A-Close B-Close C-Close A-UP A-Down B-UP B-Down C-UP C-Down
Use formulas to calculate the Ups and Downs:
A-UP equals A-High minus A-Close
A-Down equals A-Close minus A-Low
Make the chart with the Date and Close columns. Double-click each close
series, and on the Y Error Bars tab, click in the Custom (+) input box
and select the X-UP range, then click in the Custom (-) box and select
the X-Down range. You can format the error bars so their color matches
the series markers; for the series marker, use the small dash marker style.
- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
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