All pics taken on Wednessday 7th.
This one at 2am in the morning, its a holly bush in me garden and it were snowing.
No w someone was asking about zoom. This is a pick looking down into Kendal in the valley.
Look to the left of the pic and see a dark conical tree.Come back lightly right and you will see a darkish shadow with a white patch below it. That is Kendal Castle, you will see a zoomed pic of it later.
The Cannon Powershot S1 SI only has a 3.2 megapixle resolution but has a 10 x optical zoom. At least you will see what pics look like in real time.
Slightly zoomed.
More zooming.
Here is the zoomed pic. At Full zoom, I'm suprised it came out so clear.
No zoom.
All the above were taken from the same spot.
Looking down into Grassmere. No zoom.
Rydal Lake from across a wall at the roadside. More examples of the zoom in action.This is a luverly pic in full resolution and size.
The lake was pretty much frozen over as it is quite shallow here.
All the pics were taken within half an hour of each other within a 15 mile radius. just shows travel a few miles here in the lakes and you get different weather.
Shame I can not post full size pics as you loose a lot of detail shrinking them and I'm not that clued up as to shrinking them in the best way yet.
Forgot to mention. Most of the shots were with ISO 50 settings a couple were with ISO 100 or 200. Don't ask me anything else as I have only just started to read the manual.