Box 666
I have been trying to work out the difference between "start time" and "end
time" in hours and mins. I was directed to the following module which does
exactly what I want ..... however I cannot then query it further i.e. I
cannot find an expression to find all values greater than 16hours.(it tells
me the results are formatted as a hours:minutes string)
Could somebody please advise of the correct format to query the results from
the following.
With thanks - Bob
Public Function HoursAndMinutes(interval As Variant) As String
' Function HoursAndMinutes(interval As Variant) As String
' Returns time interval formatted as a hours:minutes string
Dim totalminutes As Long, totalseconds As Long
Dim hours As Long, minutes As Long, seconds As Long
If IsNull(interval) = True Then Exit Function
hours = Int(CSng(interval * 24))
totalminutes = Int(CSng(interval * 1440)) ' 1440 = 24 hrs * 60 mins
minutes = totalminutes Mod 60
totalseconds = Int(CSng(interval * 86400)) ' 86400 = 1440 * 60 secs
seconds = totalseconds Mod 60
If seconds > 30 Then minutes = minutes + 1 ' round up the minutes and
If minutes > 59 Then hours = hours + 1: minutes = 0 ' adjust hours
HoursAndMinutes = hours & ":" & Format(minutes, "00")
End Function
time" in hours and mins. I was directed to the following module which does
exactly what I want ..... however I cannot then query it further i.e. I
cannot find an expression to find all values greater than 16hours.(it tells
me the results are formatted as a hours:minutes string)
Could somebody please advise of the correct format to query the results from
the following.
With thanks - Bob
Public Function HoursAndMinutes(interval As Variant) As String
' Function HoursAndMinutes(interval As Variant) As String
' Returns time interval formatted as a hours:minutes string
Dim totalminutes As Long, totalseconds As Long
Dim hours As Long, minutes As Long, seconds As Long
If IsNull(interval) = True Then Exit Function
hours = Int(CSng(interval * 24))
totalminutes = Int(CSng(interval * 1440)) ' 1440 = 24 hrs * 60 mins
minutes = totalminutes Mod 60
totalseconds = Int(CSng(interval * 86400)) ' 86400 = 1440 * 60 secs
seconds = totalseconds Mod 60
If seconds > 30 Then minutes = minutes + 1 ' round up the minutes and
If minutes > 59 Then hours = hours + 1: minutes = 0 ' adjust hours
HoursAndMinutes = hours & ":" & Format(minutes, "00")
End Function