Still playing with the "Check" macro...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gbiwan
  • Start date Start date


Sorry about reposting this but the last thread was so long I thought that
maybe it had been missed...

I need to check "A" and if there is data in it ensure that there is data in
"U" (can be "0" but needs to be filled in so no "" allowed)
The rows of data are 9 to 134

Bob gave me an idea that did this but it doesn't enter in the
Information entered into the message box into the cell missing the data...

And Chandlm gave me an idea that enters the data into the cell but doesn't
check "A" so the user would need to check all the rows without data in "U"

(both are below if that helps... not sure how to mesh them)

Sorry to be such a pain...

Bob was doing 9 to 133 and looking at V, so perhaps you changed your spec.
Here is a modification.

Dim ans, i
For i = 9 To 134
If Not IsEmpty(Cells(i, "A").Value) And IsEmpty(Cells(i,"U")) Then
ans = ""
Do While ans = ""
ans = InputBox("Cell " & Cells(i, "U").Address(False,False)
& " needs data, please supply", _
"Data Completion")
End If
cells(i,"U").Value = ans
Next i

I'm not sure how but now my data seems to move and fill in the value in the
blank cells below the data are (any rows without data up to 134) Does this
make sense?

The data entered for the missing cell fills all the rows in that column

Any ideas?

Thanks for your patience!


I've narrowed down my problem to this statement

cells(i,"U").Value = ans

Which seems to be the hang-up... is there a way to change this to only put
in the value which was entered into the cell that needs the data and then
not into anything else that is blank in that column? (the rest of the info
is below if that helps...)

I the Cells(i,"U") = ans was misplaced.

try this revision:

Sub AAAA()
Dim ans, i
For i = 9 To 21
If Not IsEmpty(Cells(i, "A").Value) And _
IsEmpty(Cells(i, "U")) Then
ans = ""
Do While ans = ""
ans = InputBox("Cell " & Cells(i, "U").Address(False, False) _
& " needs data, please supply", _
"Data Completion")

Cells(i, "U").Value = ans

End If

Next i

End Sub