still needing much help, please

  • Thread starter Thread starter dougjk
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my full question: please read all details "do I have to go to F8 at startup
and select "last known good configuration" even though i don't want to (at
least net yet)?" ok so again please read all details i'd appreciate it: Ok,
so I had just installed the Zune desktop theme because my computer wasn't
allowing me to change from "Windows Classic" all the windows classic otions
were there but nont of the regular Windows XP options (only in display) I was
hoping that installing the zune theme would snap my computer out of it and I
could later go back to a regular Windows XP theme. I didn't really give it
much time at all and perhaps it just needs time (but i doubt it) anyway I
went to my Display properties and clicked on "Windows XP" in the themes tab
and instead it just adapted to the Zune theme, from there I stayed in Display
properties obviously and went to the appearance tab but now only two schemes
are there ("Zune Style" and 'Windows Classic Style" [well their color schemes
that go with them obviously are there too]) so than I realized my Windows XP
default theme is adapting to whatever I put on it but I cannot get the
regular ORIGINAL Windows XP default theme back which i really want back plus
the 3 original color schemes that go with it regularly. i can get my just
downloaded Zune theme or windows classic. and any windows classic color
scheme and but when i go back to the themes tab and click just "Windows XP"
it will just adapt to what i already have. OH and I forgot to mention the
only thing that changes back the way its supoosed to is the desktop. and also
sounds are not affected everything with that functions normally. for more
info please read my old post (w/ all detils) from may 27, 2010 and the
replies that go with it
dougjk said:
my full question: please read all details "do I have to go to F8
at startup and select "last known good configuration" even though i
don't want to (at least net yet)?" ok so again please read all
details i'd appreciate it: Ok, so I had just installed the Zune
desktop theme because my computer wasn't allowing me to change from
"Windows Classic" all the windows classic otions were there but
nont of the regular Windows XP options (only in display) I was
hoping that installing the zune theme would snap my computer out of
it and I could later go back to a regular Windows XP theme. I
didn't really give it much time at all and perhaps it just needs
time (but i doubt it) anyway I went to my Display properties and
clicked on "Windows XP" in the themes tab and instead it just
adapted to the Zune theme, from there I stayed in Display
properties obviously and went to the appearance tab but now only
two schemes are there ("Zune Style" and 'Windows Classic Style"
[well their color schemes that go with them obviously are there
too]) so than I realized my Windows XP default theme is adapting to
whatever I put on it but I cannot get the regular ORIGINAL Windows
XP default theme back which i really want back plus the 3 original
color schemes that go with it regularly. i can get my just
downloaded Zune theme or windows classic. and any windows classic
color scheme and but when i go back to the themes tab and click
just "Windows XP" it will just adapt to what i already have. OH and
I forgot to mention the only thing that changes back the way its
supoosed to is the desktop. and also sounds are not affected
everything with that functions normally. for more info please read
my old post (w/ all detils) from may 27, 2010 and the replies that
go with it

That's not how newsgroups work (or really web forums for that matter) - you
want to add to your post/conversation, strangely (not so much) you actually
go ahead and *add to your post/conversation* by responding to it. Not
making a new post/starting a new conversation.