Still looking for a freeware harddrive .ISO image maker

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ahoy Mate
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Ahoy Mate

Ghost is great! But, I'm a firm adherant to freeware .. and thus looking
for something which will at least produce an .ISO image of my computer
main c: drive (the .ISO image being saved on another partition for later
burning). Any ideas?
Ahoy Mate said:
Ghost is great! But, I'm a firm adherant to freeware .. and thus looking
for something which will at least produce an .ISO image of my computer
main c: drive (the .ISO image being saved on another partition for later
burning). Any ideas?

Perhaps you could use SavePart in its raw sector mode, producing a direct
image file (of the same size as your partition), then use whatever CD
writing software you have to create an ISO image of it. However, SavePart
may not be able to write images larger than 2GB or 4GB, check its docs.
Ahoy said:
for something which will at least produce an .ISO image of my computer
main c: drive (the .ISO image being saved on another partition for later
burning). Any ideas?
I am using a two piece script (makeabackup.bat and chvol.bat) which uses
tar, mkisofs and cdrecord to do a multi volume cd backup (incremental).

to start a backup use
makeabackup YYYY/MM/DD sources
example: makeabackup 2003/01/01 c:\
-> all files changed after 01.01.2003 will be written to (one or more) CDs

*the only things you have to take care of:*
get the right dev-parameter (chvol.bat) for your CDRW using
cdrecord -scanbus
put the files (tar.exe, mkisofs.exe, cdrecord.exe, cygwin1.dll,
makeabackup.bat and chvol.bat) into a directory which will NOT be
backuped, otherwise you will end up in a loop.

----- makeabackup.bat -----
@echo off
rem file MakeBackup.bat
rem author: Bernd Schmitt
rem last update: 2003/06/23
rem a batch doing a backup using free software
rem put makeabackup.bat, chvol.bat, tar.exe,
rem mkisofs.exe, cdrecord.exe and cygwin1.dll
rem into the directory where the iso-file is created
rem so that all programs are written to CD

rem error-checking
if "%1"=="" goto error
if "%2"=="" goto error
if not exist %2 goto errorsource

echo on
tar -cvf temp.tar -N %1 -M -L 700100 -F chvol.bat %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto end

echo %2
echo does not exist
goto end

echo usage:
echo makeabackup YYYY/MM/DD Source(s)
echo at least 2 parameters needed
echo you typed:
echo makeabackup %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9


----- chvol.bat -----
@echo off
rem file: chvol.bat
rem author: Bernd Schmitt
rem last update: 2003/06/23
rem this file is part of a backup script
rem this batch waits for the user to put
rem an empty CD media into the CD-RW-drive
rem the iso-file is created and burned to CD
echo .
echo .

echo creating ISO filesystem in file temp.iso ...
echo -> mkisofs -v -o temp.iso temp.tar *.exe *.dll *.bat *.txt
mkisofs -v -o temp.iso temp.tar *.exe *.dll *.bat *.txt

echo .
echo .
echo Change madia ...

cdrecord dev=1,0,0 -toc >cdstatus.txt
grep -i "lba:" cdstatus.txt
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto grep1

echo please put an empty cd media into CDRW drive
cdrecord dev=1,0,0 -eject >nul.txt
cdrecord dev=1,0,0 -load >nul.txt
goto cdempty

echo TOC seems to be empty - cd-media hopefully too
if EXIST cd-status.txt del cd-status.txt

echo Write ISO file to CD -> cdrecord -v dev=1,0,0 temp.iso
echo Please fit DEV-PARAMETERS on your PC! (cdrecord -scanbus)
cdrecord.exe -v dev=1,0,0 driveropts=burnfree temp.iso
if NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 goto cdempty
Ghost is great! But, I'm a firm adherant to freeware .. and thus looking
for something which will at least produce an .ISO image of my computer
main c: drive (the .ISO image being saved on another partition for later
burning). Any ideas?

Read in the LangaList about this unsupported tool from Microsoft called
"Virtual CD Control Panel" that allows you to mount CD images
(.ISO and others) as virtual CD-Rom drives in Windows XP. Go
and click on the "What are ISO image files and how do I use
them?" question to show the answer. The link is at the bottom.

This is the description from the page:

"The following tool for Windows XP allows image files to be
mounted virtually as CD-ROM devices. This tool is provided
here for your convenience, and is unsupported by Microsoft
Product Support Services."

Perhaps this is what you want?

"Ahoy Mate" <[email protected]> wrote:
Ghost is great! But, I'm a firm adherant to freeware .. and thus looking
for something which will at least produce an .ISO image of my computer
main c: drive (the .ISO image being saved on another partition for later
burning). Any ideas?

If you have 2000/XP:

"Drive Imager

For byte by byte backups of both Windows 2000 and XP systems some may
find this excellent free utility useful.

Span an image file over multiple CDs TOO!

Download Now"
So THAT was the missing element! I tried to implement your instructions
earlier posts and found that something was missing. Thanks so much for you
clear and detailed instruction.