still hearing whistling noise in harddrive. IDE controller issue



P4 2.8ghz HT, 1.5gb, 160GB 7200rpm, Ati Radeon 9550.

still hearing whistling noise in seagate harddrive. IDE controller included
in Vista might be the issue or a services that is causing this. can't seem to
solve it but all i can do to make it go away is to put computer to sleep for
a second and then wake it up and noise is gone.


GT said:
P4 2.8ghz HT, 1.5gb, 160GB 7200rpm, Ati Radeon 9550.

still hearing whistling noise in seagate harddrive. IDE controller included
in Vista might be the issue or a services that is causing this. can't seem to
solve it but all i can do to make it go away is to put computer to sleep for
a second and then wake it up and noise is gone.

Well, no one else is willing to look stupid, so it's my turn.

Whenever I hear intermittent high-pitched noises from one of my machines
it always turns out to be a fan whose bearings are wearing out. I've
started buying replacement fans like beer: by the six-pack.

If the disk is *truly* the source of this noise, my solution would be to
replace it immediately -- under warranty if possible.

Have you tried using a piece of rubber hose or plastic tubing as a
stethoscope? Hold one end to your ear and point the other end around
the computer case until the noise is loudest.


You might also try booting off a "Live CD" (Ubuntu Linux?) and see (or
"hear") whether the problem persists or not.
A few days after install Vista should stop messing up with the disc (it uses
it very intensively for file indexing).

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