Still having trouble with code



I still can't get this to work! Once I click the "Yes"
button it won't prompt me the next month. I need it to
prompt me every month at the same time frame.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim L As Long, M As Long
L = Month(Date) * 10000 + Year(Date)
M = GetSetting("Demo", "Drafts", "Month", 0)
If L = M Then Exit Sub
If Day(Date) >= 10 And Day(Date) < 15 Then
If MsgBox( _
"Have you posted your drafts for Golds Gym
($28.00)" & _
"and NetZero ($9.95) for the 15th.!", _
vbYesNo, "Automatic Drafts Reminder") = vbYes Then
Call SaveSetting("Demo", "Drafts", "Month", L)
End If
End If
End Sub

Dave Peterson

It worked ok for me.

Remember that it only asks you between the 10th and 14th.

(I fiddled with my pc's date and tested--I changed the date Aug 11th, then did
Sept 11th and out popped that message!)

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