Hey guys,
I'm still hoping someone can tell me what type of paper to use with my
Canon I860 printer to be able to use a highlighter on it. I can highlight
my professor's handouts just fine. I e-mailed him and asked him what paper
he uses. In the meantime I figured I'd plea again for help. I'm using
Office Depot paper (84bright and 20lbs). It's better than the bright white
inkjet paper I bought by HP. That was way to glossy. If someone has paper
that has tried a highlighter on and worked even on the Canon I850 please
let me know.
I'm still hoping someone can tell me what type of paper to use with my
Canon I860 printer to be able to use a highlighter on it. I can highlight
my professor's handouts just fine. I e-mailed him and asked him what paper
he uses. In the meantime I figured I'd plea again for help. I'm using
Office Depot paper (84bright and 20lbs). It's better than the bright white
inkjet paper I bought by HP. That was way to glossy. If someone has paper
that has tried a highlighter on and worked even on the Canon I850 please
let me know.