I have several questions. All concerning the download and not getting any
info yet.
I didn't know whether to post these as seperate threads or here. I
apologize if they need to be out in another thread or two.
I'm another one that hasn't received anything, even though I signed up to be
notified, to get the DVDs and also am a member of beta testing teams. I'm
supposed to be testing in the "security group;" but without the VISTA
program, it's pretty hard to do any testing.
I'm somewhat worried that my account is messed up or something is wrong. (I
just noticed that I've stopped getting a weekly newsletter.)
Anyway, I went to the download site listed in this thread, selected the link
to use with the DLM, thinking since I don't have Akamai, I'd be redirected to
where I could download it. (Right now I'm on backup OS of Win98SE, my W2K
will be down for a couple of weeks)
There was no rediredt to download and install Akamai. Instead, I got a
"decline" message. It said the download is only available for members of the
Consumer Preview (which I thought I was a member) and those who have
received an email with instructions how to download.
That was a bummer.
I went back to the CPP to register, again. It wouldn't let me. It said I
am already a member.
I returned to the download site. this time it started--but, still no DLM.
It just started in a regular download popup: options to open, save, cancel.
The chance of such a long download, getting through without a bit, dropping,
especially knowing my ISP is nill.
I have both the 32 & 64 bit PIDs for Beta2, but because of download
problems, I was never able to get the program to install.
If I read Barry's comment right, he brings up the question that for the PIDs
of Beta 2 to work on RC1, they must have been previously activated.
My questions are these:
1) any ideas of why, when I go to the download site, sometimes it lets me
through and other times it doesn't? I haven't changed anything, shutdown,
erased cookies, only gone from this group and back.
2) Even if I do get a good, 2.52 GB download, since I'm not using a DLM,
will it still work? I'm up to 1.5 GB now, but won't know how it is until I
check the MD5. Should I just kill this and grab a DLM off the web, since I
am using the url for the download manager? Also, do you know how I get the
Akamai DLM that MS says it has made available?
3) I notice there are two download selections: one for using a DLM @ 2.52
GB and another that is the "Browser" version of 3.59 GB. What is the
Bob T