The HYPERLINK Worksheet Formula generally has the
address withing quotes so does not adjust when you insert
rows or delete rows. It is calculated where to go when you
take the link.
By using "#" within the link you can specify
a link within the same sheet in Excel 97 and up (I have Excel 2000),
to reference a cell on the same sheet without having to specify
the workbookname. Excel 2002 made this better so you did not need
to speficity the workbookname.
=HYPERLINK("[vlookuptest.xls]'sheet1'!B2","back to B2")
=HYPERLINK("#"&CELL("address",C158),"down to C158")
But the HYPERLINK formulas do not work for me when converted to
HTML. Shows up as an empty page but the Back butt (A+LtArrow)
works fine.
Entry of Right-Click Hyperlinks (object hyperlinks) do work to
refer to cells anywhere in the HTML converted as entire workbook
non-interactive file -- did not test on the web. I have Excel 2000
and chose same workbook sheet1 and the cell name to link to.
This form of hyperlink will adjust properly when you insert/delete
rows/columns and certainlhy works fine withing Excel, and it worked
for me on the file converted to HTML but only tested on my harddrive.
Round Tripping is where you start in one Office application and
convert to another application (or HTML), posibly converting that
another Office application (or HTML), repleat same stuff, and
finally back to the original (hence round trip) where you are supposed
to have a useable file with no features lost. In reality this is very
expensive. The generated code is about 4 times larger than if you
coded manually. Much worse if you go from Excel to Front Pagea
and then to HTML by pasting from Excel into F.P. and then creating
the HTML it is 14 times larger than coded manually. A very high price
for dial-up access and for disk storage.
With all the effort on round tripping, I am surprised that you
indicate that the links don't work on the web site.
As I indicated earlier in thread I don't use the Save As facilities
in Excel, I generate my own HTML with a macro, and the sole
purpose is to create a table to copy the table source to an HTML
file I manually create and update. So it's not really designed to
create a web page. Because it is stupid and doesn't know about
HTML, I can simply code <a href="">IBM</a>
and that cell in the HTML table will have a link once within HTML.
Please read my page concerning hyperlinks with
worksheet formulas though it won't help with web
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Pages: =HYPERLINK("[vlookuptest.xls]'sheet1'!B2","back to B2")
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