Steve Jobs was one hell of a character, for sure. Never liked him myself but respected his business verve. In the same mould as Richard Branson, really, if you were born at that time you were either a football thug or a hippy, there really was no inbetween. Myself, I chose hippy, got more women that way, lol
So, what I'm trying to say, is going to college, growing your hair long and popping a few recreational drugs does not make you a hippy but because of the times the media love to portray him that way. Bovine_Excretia, basically.
Steve Jobs made Apple and Apple's success relied on two things: Being portyrayed as an alternative Underdog and having cool styling. And it worked and it's still working. Which is good.
However, what Apple don't tell you is they'll milk you for all you're worth with their prices and that good looks are a privielged premium that you will pay through the nose for. Not neccessarily a bad thing, look at the success of mail order clothing firm Asos, they've cornered a niche, as did Apple.
Steve Jobs was both nice guy and bastid, as are most successful businessmen. The world would have been a lesser place without him imo. Cancer killed him as it kills lots of people. This both saddens me and angers me for despite my feelings about Steve Jobs (mixed) nobody should die from this poxy disease.
I am seriously glad both Apple and Linux exist alongside Microsoft, a world without a Microsoft alternative would be a sad world. And I seem to be rabbiting on now, interesting program, anyway.
As ever, you want style, you pay, mostly, you want functionality only, you don't pay so much.