Per a suggestion on this forum, I downloaded Stephen Lebans zip file so I
can center text on labels and form fields. I looked at the example of what he
did and that's exactly what I want. However, there is no explanation of how
he did such, at least I can't find one.
I tried comparing the properties of two form fields, one centered and one
which was the traditional Access set up aligned with the top of the box. For
the life of me, I can't figure out which properties he modified that moved
text to the center of the box.
Can someone please help?
Per a suggestion on this forum, I downloaded Stephen Lebans zip file so I
can center text on labels and form fields. I looked at the example of what he
did and that's exactly what I want. However, there is no explanation of how
he did such, at least I can't find one.
I tried comparing the properties of two form fields, one centered and one
which was the traditional Access set up aligned with the top of the box. For
the life of me, I can't figure out which properties he modified that moved
text to the center of the box.
Can someone please help?