Steam question

Jan 4, 2003
Reaction score
Hi peeps

I Need to format drive when steam syncs does it automatically backup your game saves?

Arggghhh :(

Depends, some games yes it does.

Grab yourself Game Save Manager, that should at least help in backing them up.

Also check your Documents > My Games folder. :)
Yes, as V_R says, some do some don't and Saves from games in the Steam Folder can crop up all over the show.

Here's a few locations in Win 7, all drive C: My Documents; Program Files (x86); Program Data; Users/Your Name/ Game Saves; Users/App Data/Local; Users/Your Name/App Data/Roaming and of course within the Steam folder itself.

And I've probably missed a location or two. Don't make it easy do they? Best thing is to make a note of each location then save all your saves to a dedicated folder and reinstall them after Steam reinstall.

Good luck :)
Only game im interested in it saving really is my prgress on is Mesa?

Cant access drive MBR corrupted tried loads of stuff but ive given up now
Slave the drive on another machine?
What browser?

If its Firefox just copy the whole Mozilla folder found at "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming"

Then just drop it back on the new install. It will be just as you left it, bookmarks, addons etc. :)

Also: ;)