Steam Lovers check this quickly

Nvidia only? lol

If it was something worth worrying about i'd install my old card. :p But i have all them anyway. :)
I posted here but the forum seemed to crash for about 10 minutes and I lost me post.

What I was saying was is that Portal is short and should be a freebie anyway, it was sortta free if you bought the Orange Box; Lost Coast was a demo anyway published to showcase the HL2 engine originally and is very short; HL2 Deathmatch is basically the multiplayer side of HL2 and I have absolutely no idea what Peggle is.

Peggle any good?

All my cards are Nvidia except the X850 in the Socket A machine.

I do think I'd entertain a 5870 though. But, not in the market atm.
Ok, tried to download Peggle Extreme, it told me I already have all the games in my account and gave me nothing.

Even though it only listed three, not Peggle Extreme.

Stoopid stoopid Steam :mad: