Steam issue

Jan 4, 2003
Reaction score
Ok so tonight I took the plunge and wiped my M4 SSD and did a complete reinstall of Win7 Pro

Simple enough you would think? Yeah twas I guess until I got to reinstalling Steam

Boosh on the drive it goes, installs fine, updates fine, Log in it won't allow!!

As soon as I enter my Password it crashes and tells me there is a problem with the Bootstrap command (or words to that effect)

I've looked about but really can't get a answer that helps. I have uninstalled, cleaned registry, reinstalled and tried again. Same issue every time

Has anyone got any ideas? I've never had this problem before!

Tried the old delete the clientregistry.blob file trick yet?
It worked, although I didn't delete it just renamed it :)

Steam booted though without issue. Cheers mate lets see if it holds out :bow:
Good times. :thumb:

Dont worry about renaming it, just delete it, it just gets recreated when steam starts anyway. :)