Steam Halloween Sale!

I bought Prototype 2 for a tenner and Killing Floor for £3.74.

Neither of them work :mad: I'm pretty sure I've just wasted £13.73.

I have tried everything, uninstalled/reinstalled; all drivers up to date inc C+++ and .net Framework; latest Bios; Game caches verified as ok.

Have e-mailed Steam yesterday evening no response except an automated reply. Tried to join Activision (Prototype 2) support but their application form birthdate area is greyed out and I can't join until that's completed. Activision suck, they always have (pioneers of DLC).

Have e-mailed Tripwire (Killing Fields) yesterday evening, no reply yet.

All other games I've tried within Steam work ok.

I am seriously poxed off about this but it's probably the first real problem I've had with Steam.

I had been waiting for Prototype 2 to be reduced in price and now this :(

So, let there be a warning on those two.
Odd, i dont have Prototype, but i do have KF, last time i checked it worked ok. i'll see when i get home.

Do you have fraps or afterburner running out of interest?
Odd, i dont have Prototype, but i do have KF, last time i checked it worked ok. i'll see when i get home.

Do you have fraps or afterburner running out of interest?

Just to be precise, it's Prototype 2, not Prototype ;)

Nope, not running Afterburner or Fraps, have never used either.

I did notice yesterday evening as I was browsing Steam it kept crapping out, saying their server was extremely busy. I thought this may have led to corrupted downloads but deleting local content and downloading them again made no difference.

My computer specs are under my name <<< over there, it should easily run both of those games.
Something odd going on here, I (perhaps rather foolishly) pre-purchased (by one hour) the latest Painkiller episode cos I've liked all the others, I was going to buy it anyway and a pre-purchase gives some extra goodies.

The main game has loaded (It's a Beta atm) but the DLC has stuck at 22% and now Steam is offline. Getting worried.

I tried Prototype 2 and Killing Floor again and they still won't work, even after trying another install for each. Still haven't heard from either Steam or publishers Tripwire.

I have Steam installed on my bedroom AMD machine I was going to try installing the 2 games that don't work on that machine and see if they work there, I thought maybe Steam on my main machine is corrupted and could do with a fresh install.

Please don't let Steam mess up on me, I quite like it.

It does strike me, however, that once Steam has your money you'll never see it again, even if they've sold you a rubbish game that doesn't work, they just point you in the direction of the publisher which in this case, seems Activision can't be reached and Tripwire won't respond.

Steam isn't quite the best thing sliced bread everybody makes it out to be, making me wonder whether to embrace the torrent alternative tbh. I've always been a good boy, supporting the games industry, that may be about to change methinks....
Got Alice Returns and Left4Dead 1/2 not bad for less than a tenner.
Steam can be a pain. I'm with you flops, I prefer to buy a game I can play with where and when I want and sell on after. However the world ain't like that.
As to support for any sort of pc software, well it is crap right across the board. So I am a linux fan.At least with penguin stuff you have spent no loot and any problems might get fixed and you can always have a go yourself.
Abarb, let me know how you get on with Alice Returns, I found it incredibly fiddly and difficult and only reached the start of level 2 (of 4 levels, as I recall) before I gave up in frustration. Other than that, good visuals. LFD1 & 2 are great, though I seldom play them now.

Update: I mentioned Steam was installed on my AMD machine. Well it was but my Western Digital 500Gb Hard Disk crashed on me a few days ago (was in warranty up to March 2013 so has been rma'ed). and that had the XP OS on it where Steam was installed.

The actual Steam folder was on a secondary storage disk though. So I've reinstalled OS from Acronis backup (sans Steam) and installed Steam to the Steam folder on the secondary disk. Whether it will recognise all the game data in that folder I have yet to find out (I had deleted all Steam files except the exe file and Steam Apps as suggested at the Steam site).

So today I will download Prototype 2 and Killing Floor on the AMD machine and see what occurs.

Still haven't heard from Steam or Tripwire, thoroughly disappointed, you don't discover a supplier's worth until something goes wrong do you?

I think I may be reinstalling my copy of Alcohol 120% in the near future cos Mr Flops is feeling thoroughly poxed off.

One good thing though, The new Painkiller game is working fine within Steam, which kinda proves my Steam install is ok but that there's faults with two games. That I've paid for. And for which I will probably never see the money again :mad:

PS: Abarb, you don't stop bangin' on about Linux do you? Let me spell this out, watch my lips as a US President once uttered: Linux is crap as a gaming platform. Ok? There, it needs to be said ;)
I hope they add a few more things in to the sale - as many of these are things that are always on sale (and have already picked up!).

MW3 is something I've been holding out for... fingers crossed this is in the next sale :).
PS: Abarb, you don't stop bangin' on about Linux do you? Let me spell this out, watch my lips as a US President once uttered: Linux is crap as a gaming platform. Ok? There, it needs to be said ;)

Be a while before I get to play Alice flops, maybe mid winter but I'll let you know.

For some games I admit linux is poxy. However it depends what you play.

That backgammon game is the best I have seen on any platform. Great graphics in a vraiety of styles. An a very customisable and challenging opponent and also the teaching and analysis stuff.All for free.
An there are all sorts of very good games some with pretty stunning graphics and game play. CoD 4 quality FPS shooters are not to be had yer right, at the moment.
Horses for courses mate. :D
MW3 is something I've been holding out for... fingers crossed this is in the next sale :).

Sales over with now, next stop will be xmas. Don't hold your breath with MW3, Activision are terrible for any of their games going on sale on Steam, Even the original CoD is still £15!!! :eek:

Tbh Ian, i wouldn't waste your time on it anyway, its really not that good. Keep the money and hold out until Black Ops 2, and then see if thats any good. Which again i'm not hopeful.....!
Abarb: Backgammon? I could probably play that on my phone ;) And actually, I've never in this life played Backgammon, ever. I do like Chess though, is it anything like that?

As for Modern Warfare Three - the single player was short but very good but there are also scenarios to play as well as the main campaign. The multiplayer is the only one of the CoD series I like apart from CoD4 (5 weren't too bad) and I've even bought the first 2 DLC packs, which kinda goes against my grain ;) And now there are another 2 DLC packs, hmm, both yours for just £23 sir. That means if you buy all 4 add-ons and pay full price for the game it'll set you back around £80 :eek:

And, as I've mentioned above, support from Activision doesn't exist.
Playing backgammon on a pc aye, the future is here woot woot ^^

Didnt spend a penny in the sale, got x com the other day, havent tried it yet though!
Tbh Ian, i wouldn't waste your time on it anyway, its really not that good. Keep the money and hold out until Black Ops 2, and then see if thats any good. Which again i'm not hopeful.....!

It's mainly so I can give the multiplayer version a whirl, as I've got a few friends that play it. I may well just pick up a 2nd hand copy for the PS3, as it's probably cheaper on that.