Steam - a few comments


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I've recently had to change the location of my Steam folder on two computers.

It worked for the most part but there have been problems.

On one computer only way I can start Steam since moving main folder is by clciking on exe file within that folder, menu link no longer work. Problem may be solved by me going through Steam's moving folder sequence but it should have worked.

On my other machine where Steam installed, menu link works, Steam folder in new location same size as Steam folder in old location so games should work - correct?

Not correct.

My Steam folder is almost 200Gb, some games since moving folder work ok, but I'm finding others do not.

So far, to get these games to work I have had to delete local content within Steam folder and reinstall game.

If I have the game on disk, not too much prob, if I'm dependent on Steam download for game then by reinstalling I'm using up valuable bandwidth which is not good news at all.

These games, so far, I've had to reinstall:

Call Of Duty Black Ops
Race 07
GTR Evolution
Left For Dead 2
Duke Nukem Forever
Mass Effect 1

And I haven't tried all of the games in my library yet.

I like Steam, all you need is e-mail address and password and you can always install/download all purchased games onto as many computers as you like.

Unlike EA/Origin which is truly pants, try to reinstall a game with this lot and you'll have to log on for live chat and go through a lot of hassle (just thought I'd mention that by way of an aside ;) )

But I do feel Steam's shortcomings should be pointed out - it ain't perfect, not by a long way.
Hmmm, i've not suffered any issues like that when i've moved my Steam install between drives/PC's.

But as i've probably already said, i always use their 'thorough process' :)

If you encounter any errors during the move process or when Steam is launched from the new location, it may be necessary to perform a more thorough process:

Exit the Steam client application.
Browse to the Steam installation folder for the Steam installation (continuing the from the last section example, this would be the new location of D:\Games\Steam\.
Move the SteamApps folder from the Steam installation folder to your desktop.
Review the Uninstalling Steam topic for instructions to uninstall Steam (this must be done to remove your old Steam installation settings from the Windows Registry).
Review the Installing Steam topic for instructions to re-install Steam to the desired location.
Move the SteamApps folder into the new Steam installation folder to copy all of your downloaded game content, settings, and saved games to the new location.
Start Steam and log in to your existing Steam account to confirm that the move was successful.
For installed games, verify your game cache files and you will be ready to play.
This is what I done, these are Steam's instructions:

The following instructions are a simple way to move your Steam installation along with your games:

1.Exit the Steam client application.
2.Browse to the Steam installation folder for the Steam installation you would like to move (C:\Program Files\Steam by default).
3.Delete all of the files and folders except the SteamApps folder and Steam.exe
4.Cut and paste the whole Steam folder to the new location, for example: D:\Games\Steam\
5.Launch Steam and log into your account.
Steam will briefly update and then you will be logged into your account. For installed games, verify your game cache files and you will be ready to play. All future game content will be downloaded to the new folder (D:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\ in this example)

That's from the link in the previous post, it precedes instructions for the more thorough process.

I assumed as Steam gave the instructions it would work. Plainly, it did not work.

Lesson one: In future use more thorough process.

Lesson two: Never assume.
Yeah tbh i dont trust the easy method, I'm sure it probably works for some, but i'd rather properly install Steam and then copy back my games. Less chance of it going belly up i guess. :)