(*) I am writing an unmanaged application that hosts managed assemblies (
e.g. CorBindToRuntimeEx ) my app may host window based PEs and Console based
PEs, the host is a single executable and should be able to host the two types
of the PEs.
(*) When Hosting a consol based app ( managed ) I can't see the std output
generated by the app.
(*) The host is compiled as a Win32 project (windows based) so it doesn't
support the std consol output, I wonder how can I enable support of the std
output for Win32 windows based projects?
(*) I am writing an unmanaged application that hosts managed assemblies (
e.g. CorBindToRuntimeEx ) my app may host window based PEs and Console based
PEs, the host is a single executable and should be able to host the two types
of the PEs.
(*) When Hosting a consol based app ( managed ) I can't see the std output
generated by the app.
(*) The host is compiled as a Win32 project (windows based) so it doesn't
support the std consol output, I wonder how can I enable support of the std
output for Win32 windows based projects?