I like it although it is flawed in SetStatusMessage.
1. Add the component, menu and statusbar to a form
2. Create a menu item, set the tool tip.
3. Move off the the propery StatusMessage
4. Move back to the propery and change the text.
5. Move off, the original text is retained.
As coded I would only code the tips via code and mark that propery as
<Browsable(False)> unless someone else knows how to fix this issue.
Otherwise an excellent idea.
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Windows.Forms
<System.Drawing.ToolboxBitmap(GetType(System.Windows.Forms.StatusBar))> _
<ProvideProperty("StatusMessage", GetType(Component))> _
<Description("Tool tip to display in your statusbar")> _
Public Class StatusMessage
Inherits Component
Implements IExtenderProvider
Dim mControlLookup As Hashtable = New Hashtable
Dim mLastMessage As String = String.Empty
Public Sub SetStatusMessage(ByVal senderComponent As Component, ByVal
strMessage As String)
If Not mControlLookup.Contains(senderComponent) Then
mControlLookup.Add(senderComponent, strMessage)
Dim pMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem = CType(senderComponent,
If pMenuItem IsNot Nothing Then
AddHandler pMenuItem.MouseMove, AddressOf Handle_MenuSelect
AddHandler pMenuItem.MouseLeave, AddressOf Handle_MenuLeave
AddHandler pMenuItem.MouseEnter, AddressOf Handle_MenuEnter
' Bug
mControlLookup(senderComponent) = strMessage
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetStatusMessage(ByVal senderComponent As Component) As
If mControlLookup.Contains(senderComponent) Then
Return mControlLookup(senderComponent).ToString
End If
Return String.Empty
End Function
Public Function CanExtend(ByVal senderComponent As Object) As Boolean
Implements System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider.CanExtend
Return TypeOf senderComponent Is ToolStripMenuItem
End Function
Private mStatusBar As ToolStripStatusLabel
Public Property StatusBar() As ToolStripStatusLabel
Return mStatusBar
End Get
Set(ByVal value As ToolStripStatusLabel)
mStatusBar = value
End Set
End Property
Private Sub Handle_MenuSelect(ByVal pControl As Object, ByVal e As
If StatusBar Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
If mControlLookup.Contains(pControl) Then
If Not mControlLookup(pControl).ToString.Trim = String.Empty Then
StatusBar.Text = mControlLookup(pControl).ToString
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Handle_MenuLeave(ByVal pControl As Object, ByVal e As
If StatusBar Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
StatusBar.Text = Me.mLastMessage
End Sub
Private Sub Handle_MenuEnter(ByVal pControl As Object, ByVal e As
If StatusBar Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
Me.mLastMessage = StatusBar.Text
End Sub
End Class