Status Bar Message



While mousing over a cell with a comment, the status bar shows Cell
[whatever] commneted by [name].

Is it possible to remove all instances of [name] ?

Thanks - Kirk

Gary''s Student

Every comment has an Author property.
This is displayed in the status bar on mouse-over.
The property is, sadly, read-only.

This little macro saves your UserName, re-assigns the UserName, re-creates
each comment on the worksheet and then re-establishes your UserName:

Sub ReNameMe()
' gsnuxx
Dim r As Range, cText As String, s As String
s = Application.UserName
Application.UserName = " "
Set rr = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeComments)
For Each r In rr
With r
cText = .Comment.Text
.Comment.Text Text:=cText
End With
Application.UserName = s
End Sub


1. the macro will not the wording of the comment.
2. special comment formatting may not be preserved.

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